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You’re going to walk the Worldwide WP 5K with What??


“Why, with walking poles,” I winningly replied to my friend, Wendy. “Why not?”

Nordic walking poles are wondrous. Lightweight, easy to wield, with wraps for each wrist, these ski-pole-like welded metal shafts give you a good workout and help whittle away the calories as you walk.

When the WordPress folks announced the first Worldwide WP 5K event, I wondered how I could walk the 3.1 miles with a slightly wacky twist. By wielding weights? Wouldn’t work. Whistling? Wishful thinking. Watching for wildfowl? Wild-goose chase.

“Wow!” I thought. “What about my Nordic walking poles?”

As I waited for good weather for wandering this weekend, I dug my well-made walking poles out of the walk-in closet.

When I woke up today, the weatherwoman forecast a welcome change in the week’s rainy weather. “Time to walk!” I whooped, as I wiggled into workout pants and wrapped a warm hoodie around my waist.

Heading out

Where was I headed? To a wonderful Westchester County (New York) park with a paved walkway and a sign with these words: “three laps around park equal one mile.”

My plan? To walk nine whole laps plus another winding piece to total 3.1 miles.

There were a few winks and wondering glances from fair-weather walkers. Nordic walking poles are not yet well-known as workout tools. But some day they will win over waist-watchers, weight-watchers and everyday wanderers the world over. You watch!

 At 2:29 p.m. on Saturday, I wound down to the finish line of my 5K walk in the wee park with a walking pole strapped to each wrist and a slight wobble in my legs. Whew!

The view from the finish line

A turtle seemed untroubled as I trotted by…

but two geese took a gander

© Janice Leary and My Point Exactly, 2010-2020. Unauthorized use of this material without permission from this blog’s author is prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that clear credit is given to Janice Leary and My Point Exactly, with links to the original content.

34 Comments leave one →
  1. 04/11/2011 9:29 am

    thanks for sharing.. you guys are so lucky, living in that kind of place. I see there are many beautiful places in this world I have to conquer. It keeps my spirit up in doing my daily activity. 🙂


    • 04/11/2011 10:52 am

      Thank you, Stella. I do feel fortunate living in this environment — despite winters like the tough one we just had.


  2. 04/11/2011 9:29 am

    LOVE the turtle!

    Fun post and pix — thank you for sharing, and congrats on being Freshly Pressed!



    • 04/11/2011 10:47 am

      Thanks very much, Mikalee. I was thrilled to see my post on the Freshly Pressed page.


  3. 04/11/2011 9:51 am

    Nice – walking is the best fun 🙂


  4. 04/11/2011 10:49 am

    The walking poles come in handy when walking through the woods… or having to fend off an attacker… I would think they will catch on quickly! 🙂


    • 04/11/2011 11:01 am

      I know hikers who use similar poles & really like them for the support that they provide. I think they will catch on among fitness walkers.


  5. 04/11/2011 10:55 am



  6. 04/11/2011 11:13 am

    Looks like a nice walk. Awesome turtle. Yesterday we went turtle hunting in the mountains and we found one. But we don’t really hunt them to kill, just look at. They belong where nature intends. Congrats on Freshly Pressed.


  7. 04/11/2011 11:20 am

    I was born in Finland- where the Nordic Walking Poles have been all the rage for years. (and I think may even have been a Finnish invention). They are very good walking aides as well- especially during the winter when its slippery… and they really do provide a very thorough work out!


  8. edebock permalink
    04/11/2011 11:33 am

    Loved your post! Very witty! Congrats on being Freshly Pressed.


  9. njr711 permalink
    04/11/2011 1:31 pm

    I like the pictures. They are exactly why outdoor activity is so much more positive than running on a treadmill. And the walking poles are hilarious; I love the interesting twist.


  10. 04/11/2011 2:49 pm

    This was a neat post, and I too loved the turtles. I hear these walking poles really help alleviate pain and beating on the joints, so don’t let anyone get you down about using them – I have a big hike planned in July and you can bet I’ll have poles. Kudos, and thanks for sharing!


    • 04/11/2011 3:18 pm

      Yes, that’s another advantage of the poles. I can put up with the amused or quizzical looks from walkers & runners unfamiliar with them — because I know that I’m getting a better and more joint-friendly workout than they are! Thanks.


  11. 04/11/2011 3:43 pm

    Inspiring article, I really enjoyed reading it. The WP 5K sounds like something I would also enjoy, perhaps with some nordic poles. Great pictures too


  12. 04/11/2011 4:15 pm

    Good pictures. Must be a good environment to go for a walk.


  13. 04/11/2011 9:04 pm

    Great pictures, especially the turtle! (My son wants to print that picture!) Looks like a peaceful walk.


    • 04/12/2011 10:02 am

      Glad you both liked the turtle, one of several that live by that pond. Seeing wildlife there makes for a fun walk.


  14. The Chic Nerd permalink
    04/11/2011 10:53 pm

    Great pictures! 🙂 I guess we’ll all be waiting for that day when Nordic walking poles become the new trend. 😉


  15. 04/12/2011 5:14 am

    nice really enjoyed…..lovely pics….


  16. 04/12/2011 9:37 am

    Hey Janice! Oh and fellow Hudson Valley-er. Where is that turtle? I’d like one. Ha! Congrats on Fresh Pressed! The photos look all too familiar. 😉 So all I have to do is hunt for the “nordic poles” and I think I’ll have spotted you?


    • 04/12/2011 9:48 am

      Hi Jen! Great to know that you’re also a Valley girl. Yes, I’m probably one of the few in these parts to use Nordic poles – for now, any way. Thanks!


  17. susan permalink
    04/13/2011 9:33 am

    Very nice article Janice!! Also loved the pictures.



  1. You’re going to walk the Worldwide WP 5K with What?? (via My Point Exactly) « Mbconsulting's Blog

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